For 4 Portions:
- 1 medium sized onion, roughly chopped
- 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 small potato, peeled and cut in pieces
- 400g green peas (pre-cooked or deep frozen)
- 1 handful fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
- 8 smaller mint leaves for garnish
- 800 ml vegetable (or chicken) broth
- 200 ml cream
- salt, pepper
- 1 table spoon Olive oil
Heat the oil in a deep pot, fry the onions for some minutes, add the garlic and the potatoes and roast on slow flame for another 3 minutes. Add the peas and continue the roasting process for some minutes, then add the hot broth and the tejszin. And a teaspoon of salt and let everything simmer on low flame for at least 30 minutes, then add the mint leaves and puree the soup finely to reach a creamy, yummy texture. Taste and season to perfection.
This soup can be easily prepared in advance or a day before and just reheated before serving. Decorate with the mint leaves, maybe some more defrosted, warm peas or what ever inspiration will catch you.
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